Hi, it's me Arkhash

I'm an undergraduate student in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science

About Me

I am Undergraduate student in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science at Informatics Institute of Technology affiliated with Robert Gordon University Aberdeen, Scotland. I have a great interest in Machine Learning and Deep Learning!

  • Name: Aadhavan Arkhash Saravanakumar
  • Age: 18
  • Occupation: Undergraduate Student

With regards to my techstack, I am proficient with Python and Java programming for programming languages. I am skilled in Figma, HTML, CSS and Java Script for front-end development while I prefer to use Amazon AWS for backend development. I usually tend to use R for diagrammatic visualization and data analysis.


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Sales Prediction website application based on weather prediction.

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Fitness web application with in-site shopping, recommendations and quiz.

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Building a knowledge graph on Mechanical Engineering and testing the XML code using SPARQL queries.

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School Activity Club Management System to allow students and advisors to join and view clubs.

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A simple maze traversal program with Depth First Search and A* search being performed with the use of Java.

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Fuzzy Logic-Based Error Detection and Correction for Data Storage.

Contact Me
